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Upper Austria

Schärding and the characteristic Inn-Salzach architecture

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Schärding, is a small Austrian town located along the Inn River on the border with Bavaria. It is located in Upper Austria in front of the Bavarian town of Neuhaus am Inn and only 15 km from the German city of Passau and about 100 km from Salzburg and Linz. The town is located at a height of 313 meters ...

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What to see in Lower Austria: the most beautiful attractions

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Lower Austria gravitates around Vienna, and this has contributed to clouding, from a tourist point of view, the historical and cultural value of the region. But here there are numerous attractions for tourists. Among the things to see in Lower Austria you will find castles such as those of Schlosshof, Burg Liechtenstein, Schloss Pöggstall and Schloss Rosenburg, and there are ...

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When to go to Linz: The climate of Linz

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Linz has a mixed type climate between continental and oceanic climate, its position along the Danube valley means that both climatic types influence the seasons and the climate of the city. Temperatures are mild especially between May and September when the average maximum temperatures vary between 19.7 ° C in September and 24.8 ° C in July. Winters are cold ...

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What to see in Upper Austria: the most beautiful attractions

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The territory of the region is very diverse. There are plains crossed by the Danube and its tributaries, hilly areas, and mountain areas among the most spectacular in Austria. The landscape is protected by a national park (Nationalpark Kalkalpen), two natural parks (Mühlviertel, Obst-Hügel-Land), protected areas, conservation areas, and natural monuments. Let’s see what to see in Upper Austria. The ...

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Upper Austria: nature and art, a very diverse region

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Upper Austria is a state (Bundesländer) of Austria located in the north central part of the country. This region borders with Germany, the Czech Republic, and the Austrian states of Salzburg, Styria and Lower Austria. The state capital is the city of Linz. Upper Austria is the fourth largest Austrian state and third largest by population. This area of the ...

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